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Here are some links to some useful sites.

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Elizabeth Dodgson Msc MSTAT, Teacher of the Alexander Technique offers lessons in Chiswick West London W4. To book a lesson with Liz or to make further enquiries with no obligation telephone or email:
Tel: 020 8994 8047 or 07762 085840

tt Hop to the WebsiteAcitive 360 GB  Stand Up Paddleboarding (SUP) an exciting way to get fit in Chiswick and Brentford tt

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tt Hop to the WebsiteBBC Doctor in the House GB  TV programme where AT is used to help an Athlete. tt

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tt Hop to the WebsiteBMJ Back Pain Trial Video GB  This short video provides a commentary on the ATEAM back pain research - however it also provides an excellent general introduction for someone who has no experience of the Alexander Technique. tt

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tt Hop to the WebsiteBritish Medical Journal GB  The BMJ publishes research concerning medical matters and includes some references to the Alexander Technique. This link will take you to the results of "ATEAM Back Pain Trial" which came out with the general conclusion that "One to one lessons in the Alexander technique from registered teachers have long term benefits for patients with chronic back pain". tt

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tt Hop to the WebsiteChiswick Canoe Club GB  This is a friendly local club operating from Chiswick Pier House. Liz Dodgson is one of their Club Coaches. Activities range from Sunday ambles up the River Thames to canoe Polo, Slalom, White water and Surfing events and holidays. tt

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tt Hop to the WebsiteDai Richards, Alexander Teacher Shoreham and Hove GB  Home video instructing how to do Alexander Lying down (semi- supine). tt

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tt Hop to the WebsiteStop Hurting GB  Dai Richards, Teacher of the Alexander Technique in Brighton Hove and Shoreham by Sea. Dai has a particular interest in movement and sport with considerable experience of sports coaching and applying the Alexander principles to swimming, running,cycling, skiing, dancing ......... and even skydiving! tt

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tt Hop to the WebsiteThe Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique GB  The United Kingdom organisation for teachers of the Alexander Technique tt

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tt Hop to the WebsiteVisiting Swiss Teacher : Fanny Gsteiger GB  Fanny Gsteiger is an experienced Alexander Technique Teacher based in Switzerland. She visits the UK on a regular basis and offers lessons at Riverside Studio in Chiswick. To find out more about her next visit go to Events. tt

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tt Hop to the WebsiteMalcolm Balk - running coach CA  The art of running is to be found in the process – in the act itself. The beauty of this art is that it can be recreated in every step. The past doesn’t matter, it’s the next step that counts… tt

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tt Hop to the WebsiteSwiss Alexander Technique Society CH  Short Video illustrating what Alexander Technique is all about( in French). tt

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tt Hop to the WebsiteThe Complete Guide to the Alexander Technique US  A site with all sorts of information on the Alexander Technique run by Robert and Anne Rickover. Robert is a teacher of the Alexander Technique in Lincoln, Nebraska tt

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Elizabeth Dodgson M.Sc, M.S.T.A.T.

To book a lesson with Liz or to make further enquiries with no obligation telephone:
Tel: 020 8994 8047 or 07762 085840 or

Copyrite Dai Richards 2012